We rang in the New Year with some uninvited guests: Cold and Flu. We sniffled through another viewing of The Goonies and wheezed through Ryan Seacrest’s Rockin’ New Year’s Eve. Everyone was sound asleep at approximately 12:01 a.m.
BUT! (And this is a big ol’ but of the JLo or Beyonce variety…)
We each made five resolutions for 2013. Some were similar to last year (more exercise, better financial budgeting, cleaner eating), some were brand new (run a 5k, start my own business – our daughter – and “don’t clean my room” – our son). Just the writing of these resolutions got my motivational juices pumpin’ and my goal-oriented brain in sharper focus. There’s just something about seeing them in print and saying them out loud that makes these goals REAL.
Now to break ‘em down into daily to-do’s and actually ACHIEVE them.
But I can do that. I’ve done it before; I’ll do it again. It’s just the way I work now. That knowledge combined with another go at Chalene Johnson’s 30 Day Push Challenge (which my FiredUp Challenge Group so nicely agreed to do with me) has spurred this FitGal into overdrive. I even cleaned this morning!
Also, I’ve decided that “resolutions” brings negative connotations in much the same way that “diet” does. It sounds restrictive and smacks of giving things up rather than attaining bigger and better things. So no more resolutions. Now we have GOALS. We have DREAMS. We have FUN. The things on my list are things I’m looking forward to accomplishing. In the same way that I eat to fuel my body, I am planning to fuel all other aspects of my life. These are simply steps to get me where I wanna be.
To that end…what goals have you set for the next year? How about the next six months? How about today? What are you crossing off your to-do list right this very minute????
Just like with fitness, if I can achieve MY goals, so can you.
Filed under: accountability, awesome, bragging, branching out, Chalene Johnson, challenge, challenge group, change, children, commitment, confidence, decision, determination, diet, eat clean, exercise, family, fit life, fitness, goal, goals, group, health, independence, inspiration, motivation, nutrition, succeed, success, sweatitout Tagged: accurate knowledge, body, children, confidence, diet, exercise, family, fitness, food, goals, health, healthy-living, kids, nutrition, sweatitout